Newsletter No. 227

October 9, 2022

As we mentioned in the newsletter last week, our community hall has had its roof damaged, and due to the presence of asbestos embedded in the old malthoid roofing membrane, removing the material and re-roofing to current building standards is expensive to fix. So we would love it if you could show your appreciation for our 90+ year old community owned asset by helping us raise funds to bring the roof back to standard. We have three ways in which you could help …

Donate through our Givealittle campaign

So far we have incurred costs of $16,000 on urgent works to clean up the grounds and cover the torn edge with a tarpaulin to make the area safe for hall and Playcentre users. We need to pay for removal of the hazardous substance and putting on a new roof membrane and fix the leak damage caused by this event. The Wellington City Council Emergency Welfare fund is helping us, but we need to raise another $15,000 to cover all the potential expenses.

Our Givealittle Campaign is all ready to go. You can make a donation and check the progress. A huge thank you to those who have already donated!

Sign up for our Seeds-to-Feeds Wild Spring Lunch

Koha Lunch Sunday October 16, 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm 

The Seeds-to-Feeds local food festival is starting up again, and we would like to celebrate the fresh kai that is already springing up wild in our gardens and on the hillsides. So, we are having a Seeds-to-Feeds meal at the beginning of the festival season as well as one in March!

Come and enjoy a delicious vegan meal, including wild greens soup, local bread (gluten free available), homemade preserves, infused oils and of course our signature foraged salad. The Koha lunch will be held at our community hall. We are looking forward to having everyone to sit down to a meal together after 3 years of various take-out options. The recommended Koha is $15. The first $5 will go to the wonderful work that the Seeds-to-Feeds team are doing. The $10 plus any more you wish to donate on top of that will go towards our roof repairs. Limited to 33 tickets, so book your place now!

Join the Houghton Valley Progressive Association

The Houghton Valley Progressive Association is your local Residents’ Association. By supporting us as a member, we are able to support the local community in many ways, including:

  • Providing updates of what has been happening in and around the community and notifications of wider community issues;
  • Keeping the community owned hall maintained and fit for use by the community and recreational groups, including the InStep Dance Studio;
  • Facilitating the organisation and hosting of community events;
  • Supporting local projects;
  • Giving you the right to have your say and vote on community issues at General Meetings and for committee members at Annual General Meetings.

The membership is $10, for the year 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. You can also add a donation on top of that towards the roof repairs. If you would like to join, please email at the address below and we will send you the online payment details.

(157 recipients, 97 opens)